Wish you all a very Happy New Year- 2020

As we entered the new year 2020, we left the 10s behind, I would like to you wish you all a very happy, prosperous and healthy year. New Year always brings new hopes, bigger dreams with a lot of opportunities. May you rediscover new strengths, garner faith in you, to face the challenges and reach new heights in your career.

I tried something in 2019  and would like to share with you all.

I always wanted to be looked fit and lean but in the last 8-10 years, I was gaining slowly and continuously. Although from time to time I tried to lose weight, tried running in the morning for a few weeks, GM diet, etc it was just like a pause mostly. Last year I made a promise to myself that I will lose at least 25 lbs and made it my first focus. And with proper planning, monitoring my daily intake and regular gym, I was able to reduce around 28lbs in three months which was like a dream come true. So nothing is impossible, everything needs proper focus and rigorous effort. I hope it will motivate you.

Also, I would like to thank to all of my elders, friends, blog readers, audiences for their generous support and candid feedback throughout the year. I hope it will be continued this year as well.

Again, Happy New Year 2020 and have fun.


Wish you all a very Happy New Year : 2017


As the year 2016 is coming to an end, I want to take this opportunity to Wish all my blog readers a very Happy New Year. Wish that the New Year brings joy, happiness, good health and you achieve all the things that you wished.

2016 has been a fantastic year for me. My MVP award renewed again in this year 6th time. My first video course got published by Packt on Building Web API using ASP.NET Core framework. ASP.NET Core is the latest version of ASP.NET which got complete bottom up change. I would encourage you to have a look on it here. The first wish of any MVP after getting the award, is to attend the MVP summit. This year, it got fulfilled and I attended my First MVP Summit after almost six years. I also visited Delhi during a conference and got a chance to meet so many friends again. .

In last couple of months, I could not provide enough time to my blog and other community activities due to personal reasons and lot of travel. I hope it would get normalized very soon and I will be able to give more time here and connect to all of you via various ways.

Thank you all again for your continuous support and feedback. Again Wish you all a very Happy New Year.


Wish you all a very Happy New Year : 2016


Hello All,

As the 2015 is now past, I want to wish you and your family a Very Happy New Year. May this year become one the best years and you achieve new heights in your career. As saying Good health is True Wealth , be healthy throughout the year and enjoy each moment.

First I want to say all of you a BIG THANK YOU for all of elders, friends, blog readers, event audiences for your support and candid feedback throughout the year. This year was again one of the best years where I received my 5th MVP award in a row .I also presented to India’s largest developer’s conference (GIDS) and it was an awesome experience. I would like to thank some of the legends Pinal Dave, Vinod Kumar,  Balmukund, Mahesh Chand, Gaurav mantri sir and many more for there valuable suggestions and motivation. This year, I also moved to new city Hyderabad and enjoying interacting with the developers here and I am really enjoying this place. Hope we will see you all in many other events and if you stay nearby.

In the New Year 2016, I will give more time to my blog and community events to make myself more helpful. Also I have many plans for few new things that I will be working and sharing at right time. I am sure my posts, community events will add more value in coming year too.  You can connect me through my blog, twitter, facebook page, Linkedin, email. I’ll try to respond as early as possible.

Again, Thanks a lot and A very happy new year to all of you and keep learning n keep growing.

Happy New Year